15.JAN.009 SILENT WARMTH, Anglicanic church, Riga
Silent Warmth is ambient music evening in the Church.
Project was realized in church not because of religion, but because of atmosphere. Church is a place, where person can go inside of self, think about it. Church is place of meditation, where person thinking about himself and other people come into implicit contact with God. It is a temple of silent and thoughts. A thought together with qualitative gentle music and unostentatious visualizations gives a chance to relax and find inside harmony. Ambient music is music of soul, it has no aggression or other negative emotion, besides atmosphere of church and acoustics of hall ideally fits for qualitative sound and music concept as such.
2003 St Annas Church, Jelgava
2005 Krusta Church, Rīga
2008 St. Jazepa Rom Katholic catedral, Liepaja
2009 Anglikanic Church, Riga
Time: 2009.15th of January
Venue: Anglicanic church (Anglicanic street 2, Riga)
Atmosferic and meditative music and vizual in curch.
Selffish / thinner.cc
Space Contour / kolka-music.lv
InGarinS/ kolka-music.lv
Gaffa, Max Voitech / vibrācija:siltums
Relict / parastate
Wick / liquids
м-м, чиллы в церквях… это становится еще интереснее! 8)
ogo wow boom klassnaja ideja! =)
to Dima:
Galvenajs ka bus “sīltūms”.